Marjorie Rambeau appears with Ann Blyth in the above movie still photo from Slander (1957). Turner Classic Movies is showing it today at 6:30 p.m. Eastern.
Van Johnson co-stars as Ann's husband, a performer on a child's TV show who has a checkered past, and is blackmailed by a scandal magazine to rat on another celebrity, to protect himself. A very timely and controversial subject in the 1950s, when scandal mags were first hitting Hollywood. Careers and lives were destroyed. Van Johnson and Ann Blyth have to make some hard choices, and suffer monstrous consequences. Steve Cochran plays the magazine publisher who calls all the shots.
You can read more about Slander here at my Another Old Movie Blog. Don't forget to tune in to TCM this afternoon!
The audio book for Ann Blyth: Actress. Singer. Star. is now for sale on, and on Amazon and iTunes.
Also in paperback and eBook from Amazon.